Siemens LME73.000A2 Burner Controller Trade Information
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Product Description
SIiemens LME7X Burner Controller are used for the startup and supervision of multistage or modulating forced draft burners and Atmospheric gas burners in intermittent operation
The fuel-air ratio can be set either via an air damper actuator - acting on mechanical or pneumatic ratio control - or via pulse width modulated fans and pneumatic ratio control.
The flame supervision supervised with ionization probe and with UV flame detector QRA2..., QRA4... or QRA10....
Applications in accordance with EN 267: Gas burners for liquid fuels
Applications in accordance with EN 676: Automatic forced draft burners for gaseous fuels
Applications in accordance with EN 746-2: Industrial thermoprocessing equipment-Part 2: Safety requirements for combustion and fuel handling systems
Undervoltage detection
Electrical remote reset facility
Accurate control times thanks to digital signal handling
Multicolor indication of fault status and operating state messages
Air pressure supervision with function check of air pressure switch during start and operation
Repetition limitation
Controlled intermittent operation after max. 24 hours of continuous operation (can be parameterized via parameter 239) (depending on type of program module PME)
Unit parameter adjustable either via display or PC software ACS410